Having curly hair definitely has its perks- like not really having to do any heavy styling! But for formal occasions and Holiday functions where my everyday hair down isn’t quite appropriate, I like to put a bit more effort into styling my hair.

I’m a firm believer in allowing my hair to be its messily-tousled, true self (or I just don’t feel like myself)! That said, these styles are loosely formal, allowing curls to fall natural, remain texturized and somewhat messy, without being overly styled.  These are my 3 quick and easy go-to looks for occasions that call for a little something extra.

Tousled Chignon

1 | Tousled Chignon

Step 1. Gather hair into one hand as if you’re making a ponytail near your crown, slightly off to one side.

Step 2.  Using a metal free elastic hair tie, pull hair half way through, then twist the elastic and bring it back over the rest of your hair in the opposite direction, to form a messy bun. 

Step 3. Adjust the bun by pulling it down to the nape of your neck, keeping it slightly off to the side. Tuck loose curls into the bun as desired.

Tousled Chignon - Step 1
Tousled Chignon - Step 3
Messy Top Knot

2 | Messy Top Knot

Step 1. Gather hair into one hand at the top of your head as if you’re making a high ponytail.

Step 2. Using a metal free elastic hair tie, pull hair half way through, then twist the elastic and bring it back over the rest of your hair in the opposite direction, to form a messy bun.  Adjust the bun by pulling it into place if it isn’t in the center, and tuck in any curls that escaped the bun formation.

Step 3. Add a headband of your choice.  I prefer a simple ribbon I can tie into a bow, an embellished headband or a cotton headband with stretch (as shown). 

Messy Top Knot - Step 1
Messy Top Knot - Step 3
The Half & Half

3 | The Half & Half

Step 1. Starting with your hair down, use your thumbs to gather a small section of hair into a ponytail, sitting at the top of your head, directly above your ears.

Step 2. Secure the section of hair by criss-crossing two bobby pins.  (If two isn’t enough to keep hair in place, add a third one to reinforce the pins).

Step 3. Adjust as needed, making sure curls aren’t half way caught in the up-sweep of the pinned section of hair. 

The Half & Half - Step 1
The Half & Half - Step 3