I recently shared my Ideal Sunday with StyleCaster, explaining how I don’t get much time to myself, but when I do, I like to indulge in some me time, catching up on magazines, painting my nails, trying new beauty products and reflecting.
Coming up with a list of things I’d like to do on my ideal Sunday wasn’t easy- especially when the truth is, I’d rather be spending time with my boys! But in the process of listing out all of the things I’d like to do, I realized they were actually things I used to do on my own before getting married and becoming a mom. Making that list reminded me how important it is to have your own time, even if it’s just 5 minutes.
So in honor of Mother’s Day this weekend, I wanted to share some of the things I like to do for myself, in hopes of inspiring all my fellow mama’s to take some time out to indulge in what you enjoy, even if only for a few minutes. As mother’s and significant others, we often forget to take care of ourselves because we’re so busy taking care of others, but it’s equally important to take time to breathe, be by yourself, reflect, and indulge every once in a while.
Happy Mother’s Day!
TAGS: health tips