I know firsthand that when you have a ton of things on your to-do list, it can be hard to fit in the right balance of exercise, sleep, and you-time (especially if you have kids running around)! So at the beginning of spring, I like to do a little “spring cleaning” of my daily routine in addition to organizing my home and workspace.

The start of a new season is the perfect time to check in with yourself and see if you’re happy with how you feel going throughout your day. Are you tired all the time or feel stressed out 24/7? Did you remember to get in enough physical activity, or were you glued to your computer all day? While many of us set New Year’s resolutions to make healthier choices, by spring, some of those intentions may have fallen to the wayside. Now’s the time to reassess and re-commit to habits that make you feel happier, healthier, and more present.

I’ve found these three apps are great virtual coaches that offer regular reminders to find balance by taking better care of my mind and body. They’re easy to use and go with me everywhere, even on work trips!

Headspace iPhone app for Meditation via @girlwithcurves


Did you know you can train your mind and nervous system to de-stress through frequent meditation? Thanks to apps like Headspace, you don’t need a meditation guru or class to do it, either – just a few minutes by yourself, whether you’re in bed, at your desk, or on your commute to work.

Headspace offers guided meditations for a variety of timeframes, focus areas, and experience levels, which I find great for mornings or during the day.

Human iPhone app for Activity tracking via @girlwithcurves


Thirty minutes seems to fly by when you’re working, so why is it so hard to fit in the 30 minutes of daily movement doctors recommend?

Human tracks your walks, bike rides, and runs throughout the day, so you can keep tabs on how much you’re actually moving. While a lot of wearable fitness trackers do this, Human also allows you to track your personal amount of movement against that of other people in your city, as well as around the world. Great motivation, if you ask me!

Sleep Cycle app for Quality sleep via @girlwithcurves


When I was a new mom, I suffered from major sleep deprivation and still struggle with insomnia. So now, I don’t just track how long I sleep, but also the quality of sleep I’m getting.

Sleep Cycle uses sound and movement cues to track when you’re in and out of different phases of sleep, and gradually wakes you with an alarm when you’re in the lightest phase. I can’t tell you what a game-changer it is to wake up slowly during a natural part of your sleep cycle, instead of being pulled out of a dream state! (The alarm options are gentle and slowly increase volume over 30 minutes leading up to your desired wake-up time, which is a big help, too.) The Sleep Cycle graph lets you see the length and depth of your sleep phases through the night, which is great for pegging problem spots and planning for better sleep going forward.

Check out more of my Wellness posts here.

Do you have any favorite apps for finding balance in your everyday life? I’d love to hear about them in the comments!